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Blog 9, Yi

I chose to write about the presentation on Music and Romance. Romance is shown in the first music entry “All of Me” by John Legend from the lyrics. The lyrics show John Legend’s love towards his wife and how it feels to be in love with another person. The topic of romance is also shown from the emotional expressions that John Legend makes as well as the feelings of love that come out from the song. Romance is also shown in the second music entry “Bed” by Jacques from the expressive lyrics that show how he felt towards the girl that he liked during that moment. From both these songs, listeners including myself can feel that romance is felt through so many other things than just through love. 

If I wrote about this topic instead of my own, the two songs that I would choose to write about are “Merry Christmas Darling” by The Carpenters and “Santa Baby” by Eartha Kitt. The topic I chose to do my presentation on was Christmas. Although Christmas songs are for the holiday season, there are many romantic songs that relate to Christmas. The first piece of music “Merry Christmas Darling” by The Carpenters relates to Christmas from its lyrics that show the festive season from the tone as well as a sense of romance about wanting to be with the person they love. This song also includes a soft melody that is pleasant to the ears that is a feature in Christmas songs. The second piece of music I chose, “Santa Baby” by Eartha Kitt includes lyrics based on Santa, a fictional person who is known to fulfil the wishes and desires of people while also talking about what she wants to do with the person she loves. This song also has instruments and voices in the background that give the song Christmas vibes.

1 Comment

  1. I agree with your song choices because I think those Christmas song are connected with romance very well. You could have also have used Ariana Grande’s “Santa Tell Me” or also the song “Baby It’s Cold Outside” my two personal favorite love Christmas songs.

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