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Online Transition after March 19

Now that we are holding our class virtually rather than in person, here is a rough summary of how each aspect of the course will adapt going forward.


Office Hours:

I’m still available over email, and I try to respond within 48 hours—feel free to send me a follow up if I take any longer.

Sometimes, questions are hard to boil down into email or you might want to speak directly to me. In that case, please join our new Discord server! Discord is an app, available via browser or mobile, that hosts user-created chat rooms. In our class server, I’ve created different channels for different assignments or problems that you might have. You can also work with other students or stop into my “office hours” voice chat, where I’ll be online Thursdays (5pm-7pm), Saturdays (12pm-2pm), and by appointment. Click this invitation link to join:

Watch: How to join and use the Exploring Music Discord server


Class Participation: 100 points

Watch: “How to Earn Participation Points”

Link: Youtube Playlist for all Video Lectures

For each remaining week of the semester, we will be covering one chapter from the textbook. If any students were relying on the reserve copy hosted in the Music Library and cannot afford to purchase a PDF copy, let me know.

I will record several lectures for each chapter that will be posted as videos on the “Course Schedule” for the appropriate week. I will ask you to complete one or two short writing assignments within the lectures for each unit. After watching, you will share your written responses as comments to the “Class Participation” post that I will pin to the top of the blog. I will create a new post for each week. Like with our usual blog posts, I expect you to respond to at least one of your classmates’ comments.

Video lectures will be uploaded on Wednesday evenings. Your responses will be due the following Wednesday by 11:59pm.


Music and… Playlist: 200 points

Revised Topic Proposal and One Playlist Entry: Due via email at 10:45 am on Wednesday 3/18

Music and… Playlist Midterm: due via email at 10:45 am on Monday 3/30

Music and… Playlist Final: due via email at 10:45 am on Monday 5/11

    • The written aspect of this assignment is unchanged. You can find the guidelines and rubric for the final under the Playlist tab in the course site.
    • For the final presentation of the playlist, students will record themselves and share them as video files on the course site. More information will be given as we get closer to the end of the semester.


Late Passes

Due to the extreme circumstances, I am refreshing everyone’s late passes and increasing them from two to three. All students now have three late passes, each of which gives you an extra 48 hours to complete any assignment.


Weekly Blog: 100 points

This aspect of the class will remain identical. On the weeks that blogs are due, I will post a prompt by Wednesday at 5pm; your blog post will be due the following Sunday at 12pm.


Quizzes: 100 points

We have two quizzes remaining in the semester. These will be emailed to you individually on the day that we would have taken them in class. You will have 48 hours to complete the quiz and return it to me by email. Further instructions will be given with the quiz.


Extra Credit Concert Report: due by email two weeks after the concert date. Final Due Date: Sunday May 3rd at 11:59pm.

I will adapt this assignment to focus on recorded concerts available for free online, arriving by the end of March. If you plan to see a live concert in person, you may still use the original version of the assignment.

Hi all! This is the online home for MUSIC 1 at Queens College in Spring 2020. Here are some helpful links for current students.

Our required textbook is the second edition of Music: A Social Experience, by Steven Cornelius and Mary Natvig. Here is a comparison search of the lowest prices for new (around $90), used (around $65), and rental (around $30 on Amazon).

Here are the online resources for the textbook, including the assigned listening and links to further information for each chapter. Because I will not be assigning every piece of music in the textbook, I will also be posting the links for each class period under the  “Schedule” tab.

Here you can create a Spotify account in order to access the online listening. The free version of Spotify only allows you to shuffle albums and playlists if you’re listening on your phone. To listen to individual pieces, you need to listen on a laptop or desktop through the downloaded version of Spotify (not the web browser version). If you plan to listen via phone or web browser, I recommend purchasing a Premium Student account instead (which can be shared with multiple people). By using your Queens College  email address, the account costs $5 per month instead of $10. Whenever possible, I’ll provide Youtube links alongside Spotify if you can’t make this purchase.

If you need any help with registering your account or participating in our weekly blogs, visit our How-to Guide or email me ([email protected]) for help.