The Romantic Era, which lasted from 1820 to 1900, excites me because new instruments that we still use today were invented or improved around this time. Instruments such as the flute, saxophone and tuba. These instruments were used heavily in Romantic era music. These instruments added depth to the orchestra and are seen in other genres of music outside of western music. A historical event that I connect this time period with is when the slaves were freed in America in 1865 with the passing of the 13th Amendment. Also during this time reconstruction was happening in America due to the ending of the Civil War. So America was trying to get back on their feet from the destruction that happened in the South. The textbook describes this music as “emotional intense” because the composer wanted you to feel all the emotion during each piece they played.
The composer I chose to listen to was Franz Liszt piece called Liebestraum No. 3. This sounded exactly how the textbook described because I felt all the emotion through this piece. It starts off slow but builds intensity and emotion throughout the piece. When I did more research on the song I found that this is the last part of the piece and it is a story about love. Listening to the piece it felt like it was telling all the stages of love because it starts off soft then gets more dramatic in the middle then gets soft near the end again.
I really enjoyed reading your blog post and how you connected the historical period to the purpose of the music that was being created during that time period. I especially enjoyed your description on Franz Liszt piece called Liebestraum No. and the connection you made to the different stages of love.